So it appears I'm not that good at the upkeep of a blog. This was going to be a monthly update. But seems whilst also trying to achieve the biggest goal ever, I'm pretty much doing everything else possible as well!
So where were we?
Sunday 13th May, Mothers Day classic. 7.5km. Struggle town on this run, went out too hard. Haven't done that in an event for a while, but got caught up in the moment and also seeing someone who I didn't know was a runner... and they were going faster than me! Unheard of!! haha! Actually didn't do too badly on this run. Was probably about this time that I stopped worrying about how long events took me and just concentrate on finding a nice pace and enjoying it.
Photo from MDC
Saturday 19th May - QUIZ NIGHT
My first big fundraising event was a Quiz Night held at the Morphett Vale Football Club. About 100 people in attendance. Was a really fun night, although I was quite stressed about it running smoothly - which it did. Everyone said they had a great time and ended up raising $1,533.49, so fantastic effort and much appreciated support from family and friends and others that just were there for support (who I didn't know)
Sunday 27th May - Barossa Half Marathon
Holy crap. I couldn't have been more unprepared for an event if I tried! Not good prep at all. Seems life gets in the way and I only ever ended up doing about 3 10km runs and a few other shorter ones (as events) So really had no idea what to expect for this. I'd done 21km before, but it wasn't all in one run, half way, then rest and stretch, then the rest, but only ever made it to about 18km before I had to walk the rest of the way - which wa murder! So I knew I had to at least keep up some kind of running motion or I wouldn't make it to the end.
Even though I'd just decided that times didn't matter anymore, I really wanted to achieve a 2hr 30min race. Felt really good of the morning and took in my gels. It was cold, but decided not to run with any layers and I new it would warm up. Felt my pace to start with felt comfortable and maintainable. Had 2 further gels to take with me and planned them out well. About 17km in was when it started to hurt. I took my mind to other places and just took in the scenery and didn't worry much about what my legs were doing. Concentrated on a few people to try and over take, but didn't do anything ridiculous. Kept my pace nice and smooth and really felt fantastic. When my legs started to hurt, it was fatigue really more than anything and just soreness. I pushed through knowing that there was no way I could slow down to a walk. I ended up finishing with a 2hr 16min race and felt amazing to have finished it - 21.1km non-stop running. So that was 6min 27sec pace. Stoked!
Recovery was pretty good too. Ice bath when I got home, rapigel then long skins for almost 48hrs. By Tuesday legs felt not bad.
Went to an interesting seminar held by SARRC at the Hackney Hotel where there was a talk by a Sports Dietician. Took a lot out of the session and also referred to a few websites to help with nutrition leading up too, during and after the race. A lot to consider really.
June 17th Right Royal Fun Run
With new Sneakers - woo hoo!!! Realised my old ones were 12months old, and should have replaced them a long time ago, so got some new ones and didn't get a chance to run them in, so 10km run was their first outing and they were fabulous as I expected. I wasn't though. Did not feel good before the event, hit a brick wall at 7km and finished really weak. It wasn't a bad time compared to other events - still under 6min/km, but felt terrible. When I got home actually felt quick nauseous and faint. Ate a stack of carbs and sugar then felt okay again. Well okay enough to back it up with a 9km Mt Lofty hike with Matt Bubner!
22nd June - Wine & Cheese Fundraiser - Griffins Hotel.
Co-hosted by Brad Trenwith, great night, lots of fun, probably a bit too much wine, but we raised around $2k. Enough said.!
Since then I have had the flu - big time. I was off work for a week and now 2 weeks later I'm just starting to feel almost 100% again. I haven't done any running since the Right Royal 10km. But had a swimming carnival yesterday. Definately no world records this time in the pool. But I'm still sitting top of the points for my age group.
So with 16 weeks to go until the big day, I'm starting to feel weird about this whole thing. Hard to explain. It sometimes still doesn't feel real that I am actually doing this. So many other things going on in life at the moment that it's hard to comprehend that it is going to happen.
Running officially starts again tonite - 3 runs a week, minimum!!! I have too!! Next event - Hills to Henley 15km on 29th July. Have already entered Adelaide Marathon to do the half on 19th August. Then City to Bay 16th Sept, McLaren Vale half on 30th Sept. Maybe Trailblazer 50km the week after!!! Cos I'm crazy like that, and finally Race for Life a few days before we board the plane for NY - 9km I think. 4.5km seems ridiculous!
Well and truly on the count down now. CAN NOT WAIT!!!