Wow - that is actually THIS YEAR. It's always seemed so far away, and it still is, but to now be able to say it's this year is beginning to become a bit daunting.
So I guess the time has come to commence training. I've decided that I won't actually do any full marathons in Australia before heading over to NY. I had originally thought that it might be a good idea to do the Adelaide Marathon full 42.2km in August, but I have since changed my mind.
A good friend Tim Scarman, has been kind enough to send me some half and full marathon training diaries where you take 20 weeks to train for a half or full marathon. The training concentrates on the duration of running rather than the distance. You don't need to do a marathon in training to do a marathon - you just have to be able to run for 4hrs or something ridiculous like that.
I joined the SA Road Runners club towards the end of 2011 and penciled a lot of events into my diary. I'll now go through these again and co-ordinate with my training diary which ones will be most beneficial for my training to compete in. One of their events in May is the Barossa marathon, so commencing the 2nd week of January, I will follow the 20 week training program for a half marathon which will bring me to 27th May - where I will compete in the Barossa half marathon.
After a 2 week break and re-evaluation, I'll then commence the 20 week full marathon program which will lead me up to the week of the New York, which is scheduled for Sunday 4th November.
The training program will commence with 3 runs per week, 2 of which at a nice easy pace running for 40mins, then the third being the longer run, building up length of time each week.
At 4-5 week intervals throughout the program will be rest weeks where the training is backed off slightly - these usually follow a planned event - so as I said before I'll have to go back through the SARRC calendar and see which events line up with my training the best.
I will start the year off with an event though. The Resolution Run on Friday 13th Jan, 7.5km which starts and end in the Adelaide Zoo. It's a late arvo/evening run, commencing at around 5.30pm. I've not done a whole lot of running in the last couple of months, getting over a slight niggle in my knee and also illness over the christmas period. So I don't hold any expectations for this run, although it's a short distance, so I'll just use it as one of my training sessions. But it will be nice to be in a competitive atmosphere, hopefully the weather gods are nice to everyone that day.
There are no other events in January that I plan to do, so for this month I'll concentrate on my training schedule, I don't doubt it is going to be exhausting initially to take up so much running, but I am looking forward to the challenge.... not so much having to buy new sneakers every couple of months though.
On the fund raising side of things, I've already commenced with Chocolate drives around the place, which will continue throughout the year. Thanks so far to Simone Harvey, Trent Levi and Graham Glendenning for selling chocolates for me.
I've got some great events lined up with year, including a Wine tasting night, Zumbathon and a Quiz Night, so watch our for these events and I hope to see you all at one to support my Heart Challenge.
Until the next post.... thanks for reading
NY Kel